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  • December 2006
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  • Archives
    DEC 2007 - JAN 2008
    DEC 2006 - NOV 2007
    OCT 2005 - JUN 2006

    Talking to Tinaes right now, and blasting songs into my ears right after mass AuditionSEA gaming :)

    For 17 hours today, I've been online and smashing keys on my numpad-keys continuously.
    Been trying to score perfect beats stimultaneously.
    Things only had to get better when Chen Bin and Shouheng joined me in a few Audi games.
    Although I'm slightly more experienced, I can see that Chen Bin and Shouheng will go further than what I have mastered so far in Audi.
    Shouheng's good at Beat-Up and One-Two Party modes, and that's pretty impressive as I haven't even mastered these two modes in my entire 4 months of Audi.

    Okay. Enough of Audi - it's getting really boring talking about the game.

    Losing control in the material world.

    Two days ago, there was an outing that Nelson organised.
    We went to Vivocity (where else, meh) and had dinner.

    Yeah at this restaurant called White Dog Cafe.
    When we stepped in I asked for a table (or two) for 5 but there wasn't any available in-seating, so we sat at the other side of the restaurant; the little semi-enclosed corner that was pretty cosy.

    Keith and Tinaes had spaghetti, Jon had fish&chips, Nelson got a chicken fillet, and I took the *EXCLUSIVE* chicken leg.
    Tinaes wanted to have chicken fillet too, but he was like 'OH, LOOK! THE SPAGHETTI IS CHEAPER' and I was like, 'LOL!111!!one'. Yes, the food is THAT expensive. Even the spaghetti is a costly S$10 - price excluding the infamous GST.

    Hey now! You're a rock star!

    On to the *Exclusive* chicken leg :
    After we sat down, we were given two bottles of (tap) water. One is cooled; the other chilled.
    Shortly after, more couples filled the restaurant, and then it was full-house!
    The drinks came first (I had my can of 'want-want' milk - LOL), followed by the first dish : The Ala Carbonare (or something near that). That's Keith's Spagg!
    Then came Tinaes's, Jon's, followed with Nelson's.


    It was only after I saw the waitress give one of those exclusive chicken legs to the guy at the neighbouring table, I realised the waitress might have forgotten my order. And Jon was like, 'Excuse me, his chicken leg (yes and then all the chickhaann-leg echoes came xD) hasn't came yet.' How professional.

    Keith : I'll have the (blah blah).
    Jon : For mee, I would have (or like) the fish&chips.
    L-O-L! P r o f e s s i o n a l, I tell you.
    Yes! I tell you! Pew pew!
    Okay then..
    Nelson : I'll have the fish fillet.
    Me : Tinaes?
    Tinaes : You order first.
    Me : Oh okay - I'll have the CHICKHANN *laugh* LEGG!
    Everyone : Lol
    Tinaes : I'll have the (blah) spaghetti.

    And subsequently, drinks were ordered for Keith and Nelson.

    Okay let's jump back into THE EXCLUSIVE Chicken Leg Case!

    I became suspicious of the chef. He could have been :

    Lol. Okay, so the main point is that my meal came LATE.
    How late? After everyone else had finished their meal.

    What the bull-!
    And I started to realise an unfolding conspiracy.

    After everyone finished their food, mine came, so that I would be busy eating and too busy to realise that everyone will rush to the toilet one by one and leave me to pay the bill!

    Okay jokes. Hahaha.

    I can't remember the rest that happened the other day, or can't really be bothered to explain the rest that happened. I wanna listen to my songs now :)

    Picture taken is uploaded to my friendster page @ http://www.friendster.com/everyday.

    Read up more of the past, current and upcoming events at Tinaes's, Nelson's, Keith's and Jon's blog.

    I am falling down.
    You can watch me, fall on my face.


    Today's date.
    Just plain rocks.

    Besides the upcoming 070707, 050607 is just as fantastically cool.

    Anyway, as we all can see, I haven't been really active in my blog :)

    In the past few weeks, I have been studying (yes, actually studying).
    I have also received my report book (results posted tomorrow or a later date) and went out several times, such as gaming at LAN shops with friends, ice skating, slamming my PC with music bytes, working on my a-math corrects, correcting and playing with my project's website (since i'm the webmaster, rrr) and a hell lot of crap.

    I shall post what happened today, tomorrow.
    So damn tired. =.=